The value of small things

When our children were small it was always fun to see them check out the gifts under the tree. As they looked over the tags to find the ones with their name on it there were two concerns: “how many did I get” (especially in comparison with my brother or sisters), and “is that big gift for me?”  The initial criteria for great gifts were quantity and size.  My wife was always careful to make sure that they were not only of equal value, but that they were roughly equal in appearance. Later with the grandchildren she would lay their gifts out on our bed and ask me; “Do these look equal?”

It is only as we mature that we begin to understand that often precious things come in small packages. We begin to be aware that often little things cost more than large ones, and then begin to grasp that there is more to something’s value than what it cost financially. A ring given and received came in a small box and may have cost quite a bit, but it represents much more – a whole life dedicated to love and care.

There are many areas of life where we learn the value of small things. Christy is doing a lot of cooking and baking over this wonderful season. She is an exceptional cook and uses many spices but knows that with many of them a little goes a long way! A subtle flavor can be much more pleasant than one that overpowers all the other flavors. When she is baking with yeast she certainly does not use as much yeast as she does flour!

We have all been around some young (or not so young) person who decided that if a little cologne or perfume was good, a lot would be even better. The result is not pleasant. Some people think that if they can’t save huge amounts of money, it isn’t worth trying to save at all. Others have learned the value of consistently setting even a little bit aside on a regular basis.

I said all that to remind us of the value of small actions and encouraging words. We can often demonstrate grace and kindness through small things that cost little. A few words spoken or written can have a large impact on someone else. We can encourage someone to look towards the Lord without preaching a whole sermon. We can demonstrate the love of Christ, by showing kindness and truly being concerned about someone else’s welfare. As we look forward to this new year may we look for all the many opportunities to touch each other’s lives with small gifts.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Nord

2 thoughts on “The value of small things

  1. So true, Pastor Nord! I am thinking of the little 5 month old baby that was missing from Columbus OH and his twin was found but he was still missing . They found him in Indianapolis alive and unharmed! How? It is so cold out! The family is praising God and calling it a miracle and I praise God for it, too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. And keep on giving the gift of encouragement and prayer!

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