When the World Turned Upside Down

This is a time of year when many of us do strange things. Things like cutting a tree and bringing it into our house – not exactly a house plant. Or how about getting a bunch of children together and feeding them a lot of sugary food? Or hanging socks up on a mantel if we have one? (Calling them stockings and decorating these things we would never put on our feet doesn’t change the strangeness of that). Drinking eggnog or actually eating fruitcake are not things we do all year long. Those are all things that help us realize that we are celebrating something that literally flipped our world over and changed the course of history.

It starts with a pregnant virgin – what we would have said was an impossibility became an actuality. Mary recognized the significance of what was happening, and as soon as she was informed by an angel (not an every-day occurrence) that she was pregnant she went to see her relative, Elizabeth; an old woman who was also pregnant (yet another impossibility).

Mary then breaks into a song which describes a world where everything is different. It is perhaps summarized by this statement about God; “He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate.” The baby that she was carrying would grow up to say things like; “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” He would willingly die for crimes he never committed and have followers who spoke things that made others say, “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also.”

Mary’s baby was the very Son of God who has now unbelievably taken on humanity so that he could rescue us from our sin. The offer of salvation is not to those who are self-sufficient and have a goodness of their own. It is not available to those who could somehow earn or buy their way. It is offered to those who recognize they have nothing, who know they are not good and have nothing to offer Him. It is a gift available only to those who are humble enough to admit they are in great need – it is the “have-nots” of the world that will receive the greatest gift of all; eternal life though Jesus Christ!

May the strange customs of the season point you to the one who turned the world He created upside down. If you recognize your need and ask, He will change everything!


Pastor Nord